When you search for something on Google, you will see something called the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), which will be filled with links that (hopefully) are relevant to what you were after. The majority of these links will be organic. But the question is: what are organic search results?

Simply put, organic search results are unpaid links (also known as ads).

How does a business or website get their unpaid organic search in the SERP? Sadly there is only so much that can be done in that department – organic search results are chosen by search engines’ complex and ever-changing algorithms to match a particular term being searched. It doesn’t matter if the search term is a single word or a question, search engines always try their best to find websites that suit the inquiry.

Because organic search results are effectively free advertisements, Predikkta believe that these should not be neglected. Time and effort should be spent perfecting organic search results, making sure they are as attractive as possible to potential customers. There are many businesses out there that miss an opportunity to have the most efficient organic search result, simply because they are chasing the more expensive AdWords or other marketing campaigns.

This can be the case even when most of a website’s traffic comes from organic traffic.

Makeup of an Organic Search Result

Organic search results have 3 shared components, no matter what is searched. These three are:

  1. The Title Tag (also called a Headline): Title Tags are one of the most important parts of an organic result. They catch the attention of potential customers, whilst simultaneously letting them know the content of the website (or at least that webpage).
  2. URL (also called Web Address): URLs are often ignored by both customers and SEOs, but they are important. URLs inform potential customers about the type of website that is being advertised.
  3. The Meta Description: Meta Descriptions is the “blurb” of an organic search result. Meta Descriptions offer a short snippet of information, either taken from the website or written specifically for the SERP.

Here is a visual example for a reference.

Google Organic Search result example

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