"Find the optimal Linked in Ad"

LinkedIn is a website that professionals use to network with each other, and allows recruiters to find potential employees. With over 400 million users, LinkedIn can provide excellent opportunities for advertisers ­especially when combined with LinkedIn’s uniquely accurate targeting systems.

But how does one attract clicks to an ad? Before coming to Predikkta, which uses predictive analytics to improve Click Through Rate (CTR), there are a few things you can do to make sure your LinkedIn ad looks appealing.

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Why LinkedIn?


Is LinkedIn Right For My Business?

Before starting, it is beneficial to, as always, ascertain whether your product or company will do well advertising on LinkedIn. Not all companies are going to do well advertising here ­even with LinkedIn’s highly effective targeting systems­ so make sure what you are offering will get a decent Return On Investment (ROI).Because of the nature of LinkedIn, Business To Business (B2B) sales are most likely going to be more successful, but some customer goods may be just as effective.

For example, it would probably be better for an Education provider looking for MBA students to advertise on LinkedIn than for a company that sold nappies (although, there may be opportunities if you really know your target audience).


Get Your Targeting Right

One of the extraordinary things about LinkedIn is the targeting is highly accurate ­and it’s because the users detail a lot of information about themselves on their account.

With LinkedIn targeting, you can focus on factors such as a particular role, area, corporation, and even skills and feel confident that a large portion of those people will fit those skills (and therefore be interested in your product). All this information is put in by the users themselves, and, therefore, advertisers such as yourself do not have to rely on algorithms to guess.


Be Economic

A small image, 25 characters for a title, and 75 characters for ad copy does not give your ad much room to sell to your audience. This is where professionalism and maintaining a brief but informative style can carry the day. Because of the nature of LinkedIn (a professional networking site), getting to the point quickly can make your ad fit right in.

As an aside, including some sort of “sale” or “free” bonus for clicking the ad, as these little touches will get straight to the point without having to have elaborate descriptions of your product. Even a Call To Action (CTA) can increase the number of clicks ­although that is true of any ad.

Ultimately, as with all advertising, you need to be seen solving a problem. Whether that is translation problems, paper shortages, or business attire, solving a problem in the shortest way possible will earn you more interest, and therefore more clicks.


But Not To The Point Of Being Inhuman

One risk with having such a small amount of space to write is that it can often cause businesses to be brief and robotic with their ads. One of the advantages with LinkedIn is that it is still a social networking site ­ so don’t forget that you are trying to attract human customers and not machines (we’re not all cogs in the machine just yet).

So, when you create your ad, try to find ways to make it appealing to people. That doesn’t mean make it unprofessional ­ it is still mostly used by B2B marketers after all ­ but it does mean making your ad seem like a person wrote it. Things like having a person in the picture can increase the number of clicks on your ad significantly.

This is where Predikkta is recommended. Instead of hoping for the best with one image and/or limited ad copy, Predikkta can ascertain which ad should have a high number of clicks. Striking that balance between social and professional can be difficult, so it makes sense to test multiple options in a simulated environment before going live with any one ad.


Don’t Forget To Use Your Business LinkedIn Profile Too!

As a final note, all this advertising that Predikkta can help with is useful, but never forget that you can effectively use your profile as a marketing tool as well. Having a large number of contacts, who can then interact with you (and your brand), will help your business look more impressive, and can also attract potential clients or customers.

Having a LinkedIn Profile can also project an image of both your brand and yourself that can be difficult to achieve in an ad, no matter how excellent the copy and image is.

In conclusion, having a LinkedIn advertising campaign can be a highly beneficial thing for your business­ especially if what you are selling is a B2B product or service. Using the above methods can help you create a good, solid ad, but remember, with Predikkta’s LinkedIn Optimizer Tool now released, you can have an even greater chance of increasing clicks to your website.

Having a strong LinkedIn advertising campaign is a great way of getting your business known in the right circles. Don’t neglect the opportunity if it is right for your company.

Try the LinkedIn Optimizer Now